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Tracks from "Gefilte Fist and Hell Garbage - Shittier Than Ever Right There"
- 1. Follow Me Quaintly
- 2. Gay Waves
- 3. Gayer Waves
- 4. Hey You There Young Man Right There Yes Right There
- 5. Oh My Lawd
- 6. Oh My Shit
- 7. Parking Is Not Permitted In That Specific Area
- 8. Plentiful
- 9. Shutup Oh Manz
- 10. Support The Troops
- 11. Taste
- 12. Tasteless
- 13. Tickle Me Rectum
- 14. You There Are The Young Man That Is Right There I Guess
- 15. Young Man I Guess I Really Don't Know
- 16. Young Man I Guess I Really Don't Know If You Even Are A Young Man
- 17. Hell Garbage - OH GOD, NO, Not Another Shitty Split Album Between These Two Shitty Bands
- 18. Hell Garbage - Tribute To My Former Neighbor
- 19. Hell Garbage - This Song Is So Gay
- 20. Braindead Shit Bucket Malaria Type Of Song That Really Sucks
- 21. Me And Gefilte Fist Met Mike Browning Right There
- 22. The Return Of Phil
- 23. I Have To Poop And Shit
- 24. I Am Very Stupid And I Like To Go On The Internet
- 25. Smells Like Salsa In Centro Ybor
- 26. Three Eggs, Fourteen Beers, And Some Soup (Sockeye Cover)
- 27. Retarded Monkey Music, Except A Retarded Monkey Could Record Something Better Than This
- 28. Peter Norvaisas
- 29. Dylan Houser (Gefilte Fist Cover)
- 30. Keith Michael Edward O'Brien
- 31. Mojo Nixon Is Better Than Elvis
- 32. Hallelujah (Leonard Cohen Cover)
- 33. Niggers
- 34. My Voice Is Too Loud
- 35. Stop Being Gay!
- 36. Ohkaye A Composition By Hell Garbage I Guess
- 37. Tribute to Spiritual Chicken
- 38. A Very Brutal And Pretty Gay Tooty Fruity Metal Song
- 39. The Ballad Of Seth Putnam I Guess Right There