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Tracks from "Gefilte Fist"
- 1. I Like Cheese
- 2. Sentimental Nausea
- 3. Little Miss Muffett
- 4. Mardi Gras Muffin
- 5. Echoing Blisters From The Depths
- 6. Pancake Of Horror
- 7. Ha Ha Toast Is Easy
- 8. Splitting Cupcakes On TV
- 9. Pancake Bitch
- 10. Why Is Gefilte Fist Crunk
- 11. Who Are You Mark The Devil Or A Paper Bag
- 12. Paper Bag Remix
- 13. Guam Is For Pussies
- 14. Bread
- 15. Plasma And Mucus Falling From The Sky
- 16. Venturesome Hostility Above The Grass
- 17. Normoblast Timepleaser
- 18. Contagious Grunties
- 19. Fly Away With Me In My Happy Airplane
- 20. Bloated GargleBlasters In The Underground
- 21. My Mind Is A Blank Canvas
- 22. Even More Blood And Vomit Falling From The Sky
- 23. Sometimes Things Just Turn Out Okay
- 24. Ohkaye Vomit Blood
- 25. Halloween Bag
- 26. Old Sayings Are Fucking Stupid
- 27. Bleeding Vomit-like Blood
- 28. I Like Bunnies
- 29. Keep In Mind Frip Side Acapella Cave Remix
- 30. Easy There Fellas
- 31. Somber Destruction Hate Breed Autocracy Instrumental Remix
- 32. Symphony Of A Lost Pancake
- 33. Sandwich Bag
- 34. Keep In Mind, Frip Side
- 35. Tattered Despondency Of Englightenment
- 36. Fuck Guam
- 37. Yo
- 38. Gefilte Fist Is Crunk
- 39. Blood And Vomit Falling From The Sky
- 40. EasyThereFellas(I didn't want to sample a new hook remix)
- 41. Easy There Fellas It Was Just A Nightmare (ETF Remix)
- 42. Overwhelming Toenails
- 43. Kung Fu Vomit Blood
- 44. Bunnies Like Pancakes No Bunnies Like Cottage Cheese
- 45. Crusty Old Extremists
- 46. I Am Quite Fond Of The Excrement
- 47. Vomit With Traces Of Blood
- 48. Blood And Some Vomit
- 49. Finish Vomitting Before You Bleed
- 50. Cheese Danish
- 51. Enough Ohkaye!
- 52. Freeze-Dried Contemplation From Within
- 53. If It Hadn't Been For Pancakes, You Guys Would Have Crackers
- 54. Liquid Feces
- 55. Admiration Of Pulchritudinous Impressionable Grimalkin Salmon
- 56. Oy
- 57. My Measure Of Happiness Knows No Bounds
- 58. Blood And Vomit Romper
- 59. Was The Blood Bright Red, Dark Red, Black Or Vomit
- 60. Soy Milk Is Okay
- 61. My Moonlit Serenity
- 62. Cracker Vomit Blood
- 63. Pretty Pink Bunnies
- 64. Excremente
- 65. My Heart Still Longs For Excrement
- 66. Quite Possibly I Just Might Be Undecided
- 67. Is That You Mark
- 68. I Like Sour Cream
- 69. Jalapeno Vomit Blood
- 70. Enough With The Devil's Ohkaye
- 71. Easy There Fellas (Check it out and Dance Remix)
- 72. Paper Bag Vomit Blood
- 73. Nothing Is Okay
- 74. Plastic Bag
- 75. Devil Bag
- 76. Crunkin' Easy There Fellas
- 77. Sentimental Nausea (Kung Fu Remix)
- 78. I Don't Like Cottage Cheese
- 79. Secluded Slumber Of Parasites
- 80. Devils Food Cake
- 81. Non-Dairy Creamer
- 82. Electric Fornication
- 83. Paper Bags Are Preferred, Not Cottage Cheese...Okaye
- 84. Freezer Bag
- 85. Mutha Fuska
- 86. Blueberry Pancakes
- 87. Toast
- 88. Cannot Touch Green Forgive My Dreams, Forgive My Thoughts
- 89. Roll On Big Momma, You Got To Keep On Rollin On
- 90. No I Don't Like Bunnies
- 91. Somber Destruction Hate Breed Autocracy
- 92. Buttermilk Biscuits
- 93. I Like Paper Bags
- 94. Go Feces! (Chocolate Soymilk)
- 95. I'm The Devil
- 96. Sufficiently Dismembering
- 97. Alright Ohkaye
- 98. Vomit Blood Disease
- 99. Cornbread
- 100. English Muffins