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Tracks from "More Garbage"
- 1. A Fancy Intro (Right There)
- 2. A Gentleman's Affair
- 3. A Tribal Song I Guess
- 4. Bacon Song
- 5. Ballad Of This Guy That I Knew
- 6. Big Balls
- 7. Bore-Dumb
- 8. Damn It You Bitch
- 9. Did You Throw Up In A Barn
- 10. Extremely Funny
- 11. Fisting Bro
- 12. For Me It's Really All About Sausages
- 13. Fried Pickles
- 14. Hawaii Five-OFUK
- 15. Hey I Want You To Get On Your Knees
- 16. I Guess Okay
- 17. I Like Like Like Like Gravy A Lot
- 18. I Like Them Big And Black
- 19. iguess1
- 20. Instructions For A Late Night Snack
- 21. Intermission I Guess
- 22. i-suppose
- 23. Kungh Fough
- 24. Look I'm Not Resigning
- 25. Mad Fool You Know What I'm Saying
- 26. Memorable Story
- 27. Monthly Briefings With The City Council
- 28. Morning Meal
- 29. Noise3
- 30. Now You Listen To Me
- 31. One Note Song
- 32. Penis-Land
- 33. Pen-Island
- 34. Salad
- 35. Sausages
- 36. Shove It Deep Crap
- 37. Skreaming Nd Junk
- 38. Sometimes I Feel Like Things Are Just Not Right In The World And I Think What Does It Really Matter Anyway
- 39. Song For The Dog
- 40. Teacher
- 41. Thank You Please Come Again
- 42. Watch Yo Shit
- 43. What Is This Black Spot I Guess
- 44. Why Do You Have To Be So Gay
- 45. You Call That A Scream
- 46. You Can't Park There
- 47. You Know What I'm Saying
- 48. You Suck Fuck Shut Up Asshole
- 49. You Think Therefore You Are Indeed Right There I Guess
- 50. Youth