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Gefilte Fist Player
Tracks from "Bizarre Rod"
- 1. Bizarre Rod
- 2. Bowel Movement Concerto
- 3. Brrrck Fuck
- 4. Certainly Better Than The Last One
- 5. Coloured Gentleman Standing In The Road
- 6. Conveyor Belt Japanese Food
- 7. Cow Prod
- 8. Dight Dare
- 9. Dight Dared
- 10. Dude Just Ran Through A Red Light And Shit
- 11. Fancy Buttl
- 12. Fancy Quaint
- 13. Farewell Cookie Dough Ice Cream
- 14. Foucked
- 15. Fuck Ewe
- 16. Fuck You And Your Fucking Outro Toilet
- 17. Fuck You
- 18. Girl I Guess
- 19. Girl That Ass
- 20. Happy Holidays No
- 21. Holy Carp
- 22. Hot Rod
- 23. I Can Go Fuck Your Shit
- 24. I Can't Believe This Is How It Turned Out
- 25. I Guess Go
- 26. I Will Fuck Shit And Your Friend
- 27. It Actually Feels Right There
- 28. It Smells Like Taco Bell In Here
- 29. John Diss
- 30. Kung Fu Fairy Land
- 31. Major Intersections Within A Five Mile Radius
- 32. More Bad Decisions
- 33. Quaint Mosaic Of Gravy
- 34. Reclaimed Wood
- 35. Recreational Vehicle
- 36. Rod Like Rod
- 37. Rod
- 38. Roddy Roddy Pooper
- 39. Rodfather
- 40. Semi Wet Brown Gravy
- 41. Shit Frenzy
- 42. Shit Whilst Shit
- 43. Skream
- 44. Speed Bump
- 45. Stage Diving Into A Gravy Boat
- 46. That Is Still My Jam There
- 47. That Lady's Wearing A Hat
- 48. That Looks Disgusting
- 49. The Home Of The Total Sausage Fest
- 50. They Are Too Well Organized And Expert At Kung Fu
- 51. This Is Un Fucking Diculous
- 52. Too Hard
- 53. Totally Wide Open And Ready To Be Stuffed
- 54. Two Three Fancy
- 55. Welcome Home Douche Bagger
- 56. Wet And Brown Gravy
- 57. Wet Brown Chocolate Styled Gravy Bowl
- 58. Wet Brown Gravy
- 59. Why Does It Sound Different
- 60. You Can Go Fuck My Friend And I Will Fuck Shit You
- 61. You Can't Park And Talk There
- 62. You Fuck My Friend And I Fuck You
- 63. You Gotta Stop Here And Pick Up Some Chicken And Shit
- 64. You Have A Big Head
- 65. You Need To Play My Instrument