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Tracks from "Fancy"
- 1. A Bunch Of Chunts Bought Up The Nintendo Switches And Are Price Gouging Since Everyone Is Out Of Stock
- 2. All It Is Really Is Eggs And Oil Whipped Up To A Fluffy Like Consistency
- 3. Aw Yes Crackers
- 4. Ballz
- 5. Blow My Nose
- 6. Brown Stuff That Comes Out Of A Hole
- 7. Can Full Of Garbage
- 8. Chicken And Mayonnaise I Guess
- 9. Chunky Blue Cheese
- 10. Cookie
- 11. Cutest Puppy Ever
- 12. Dude Make Me Some Coffee
- 13. Funky Balls
- 14. Girl Scouts
- 15. Girl Your Hands Are Stinky
- 16. Gotta Get My Underwear Checked For Stains
- 17. Gravy Time
- 18. Higher Being Of The Infinite Higher Being World Thing
- 19. How Would You Prefer That Waiting For Yourself
- 20. I Am Going To Blast Death Metal Until They Call The Cops
- 21. I Like Sausage And I Fuckz
- 22. I'd Rather Eat Shit Than Drive A Car
- 23. I'm Going To Take A Nap I'm So Tired
- 24. I'm So Proud Of My Garbage
- 25. It's So Moist
- 26. King Filler Right There I Guess
- 27. Kitchen
- 28. Lemon Life Lessons
- 29. Let's Go For A Walk With Garbage
- 30. Manwhich
- 31. Meatball
- 32. Mister Fancy Pants
- 33. Moist Songs That Everyone Can Relate To
- 34. Pepperoni On A Hot Dog Bun With Cheese And Salad Dressing Poured On Top
- 35. Poop In My Mouth
- 36. Poopy Trees
- 37. Root Beer
- 38. Salad Time
- 39. Shart Time
- 40. Shit Head
- 41. Still Shoving Things In A Mouth After All These Years
- 42. Stop Taking What I'm Saying On Facebook And Turning Them Into Fucking Songs
- 43. Terribly Terrible Garbage
- 44. That Is Quite Messed Up
- 45. That Place Smells Like Cats But The Food Is Good
- 46. They Got No Sausage On The Menu It's Not Worth A Damn
- 47. They’re Puffy They’re Crunchy And Their GPS Only Has One Direction Into Your Mouth
- 48. This Is My Uhhhh You Know And Stuff
- 49. Tissue
- 50. We Vomit And That's All