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Tracks from "Aural Skidmark"
- 1. A Thing To Start Off A Release That Sounds Like A Death Metal Intro Kind Of Thing (Intro) (I Guess)
- 2. Bring Forth The Forthcoming Fourth Forced Fore
- 3. DropD
- 4. Dyslexic Oats
- 5. Fancy Princess Dress
- 6. Floyd Clampson
- 7. I Am Black Rock And Ron I Guess
- 8. Let's Erect
- 9. Look At This Fuck
- 10. Luca
- 11. Neato Kind Of Song Right There
- 12. One Of Them Is Drinking Wine And The Other Is Drinking Tea
- 13. Party In The Front Garbage In The Rear
- 14. Please Don't Fight Him I Guess
- 15. Pool Party
- 16. Pooping In A Washing Machine In The Laundry Room
- 17. Referee's Are Not Paid To Call A Fair Game They Are Employees Of The League And They Are Paid To Ensure That Their Employer Is As Profitable As Possible
- 18. Samuel L Mother Fucker
- 19. Shoving Gravy Into That Mouth
- 20. That Damned Official
- 21. There's Boiling Rice You Better Run
- 22. Throwing A Rubber Duck At A Deserving Person
- 23. You Are Evil And Terrible Asses
- 24. You There I Have Something Rotten For You
- 25. Your Flattery Is Too Much I Guess